The new bottle Elijah Craig Barrel Proof is just as rowdy as the old hazzymatty joints

The new ECBP dump isn’t as savage as the prior iterations but it is hardly some gentle apple picking tinder date either. The fire is gone but it also loses some of that leathery intensity and dry Darjeeling tea steeping as well, the result is it hovers in the realm of Stagg Jr meets EHTBP.

Ultimately this is the difference between a minor modification on how you dial back your barrel strength doses. You can still hit that 115 sweet spot, but you have less canvas to play with if you like to proof down. I go both ways and sometimes want that rawdog 2am text, other times a gentle peanut brittle smooch on a sligh ride is fine too. You don’t always gotta bust out the ethanol sex swing.

 Perhaps not as formidable as those hazmat entries, but a touch sweeter, almond skin and nougat tempered with oak that will light up ur guts like a Care Bear stare.

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